A divorce counselling will guide you through this painful and uncertain time, while providing you with the counselling you need to move on in a positive and healthy way.


FCCS can teach you how to resume a fulfilling post-divorce life and minimize the impact on your children. It will also help you better understand why your relationship failed, so you don’t repeat your mistakes.


FCCS can teach you and your partner how to effectively communicate and how to behave without being rude.

Issues for divorces are out the emotional, physical and financial

• The FCCS can also help you and your decide if you really want or need a divorce. And it actually tries to unite you together.

• If you have children keep that in mind, they are involved they may face problems to. In other words, it is important that your children experience a civil and healthy divorce-one without blame, name-calling, or disrespect. The best way to minimize your children’s trauma and safeguard their well-being is by being civil towards your ex and vice versa.

• FCCS helps to counsel you before divorce which are beneficial because they can help you address any divorce-related parenting issues while giving you tips on how to tell your children about your impending divorce, in a way that causes them the least amount of trauma and emotional pain.

• Pre-divorce counselling can also help you identify and address any conflicting and/or confusing divorce-related emotions. Lastly, this form of counselling can teach you healthy coping strategies that you can apply during challenging and stressful experiences.

What is Post-Divorce Counselling?

Due to many reasons, the dissolving of a long-term, committed relationship you or your partner life and trigger some profound emotions like sadness, stress, and grief. The truth is “life after divorce” can feel heavy for many. In fact, an uncertain future often feels more fearful, than being in the midst of the deeply unhappy relationship.


• FCCS as post-divorce counselling is that it can guide you through the after your divorce. More specifically, FCCS use a variety of techniques to improve your self-esteem and self-confidence and accept reality, so you can reclaim your life.
• It helps you and by improving your resilience, coping skills ability.
• It also helps you cope with any remaining feelings towards your ex-partner – in a healthy and productive way. Thus, speaking with FCCS can provide a release of these feelings, so they open up all their emotions.


• Letting Go of Negative Emotions

During that time who will be facing a lots of negative emotions like stress, depression, busted out FCCS will help you, to let go negative emotions by cultivating positivity which will help you to lead your life in a healthy way.

• Helping You Make Sense of Your Divorce

Sometimes you may think its all my fault or why my ex cheated on me you will be lot of confusion and who doesn’t know which is wrong or right, here FCCS will help you out to make you sense and figures out the reason to end up.

• Sometimes It Can Help Prevent Divorce

There are different types of divorce counselling, and one of them is pre-divorce counselling. This is when you are wanting a divorce, but haven’t gone through the legal proceedings yet. Some people go to pre-divorce counselling to make the divorce process a little easier. However, there are some who may end up using it as a form of last-minute marriage counselling. While you may believe that there is no hope for your marriage, a counselling session may help you realize that the marriage was meant to be and it will help you stop giving divorce and try to sort out your misunderstanding about each other’s.


As FCCS aims to see pre-divorce people to together and post-divorce individual to come out of trauma and live their life’s happy it plays a role by giving session, and as a result pre-divorce will be together by expecting the mistakes and they spend time to understand each other or they will end with mutual interest which will not impact to any one even for family. Post-divorce will able to stand for self and enhance their coping skills, problem solving abilities and lead their life happy without worrying.